
Reclaim the Skies

cUAS Technologies

Increasing mission success for our warfighters with cutting-edge counter-drone technologies

Today's battlefields are rapidly evolving — and in many cases, the fight is taking to the skies. To ensure the safety of our servicemen and women, we've developed a range of technologies to address the growing challenges posed by commercial drones.

Passive RF

Passive radio frequency (RF) air surveillance systems. Featuring the latest developments in unmanned aerial system communication technology, we developed a suite of counter-small unmanned aircraft systems (C-sUAS) designed to passively detect, track and classify Group 1 aircraft. Once a drone is detected, this platform enables operators to take control of the airframe and redirect or land it safely.

Lightweight jammers. Our compact jamming devices deny UAS control signals in the 2.4 GHz, 5.8 GHz and GPS bands. This technology is effective beyond the operator's line of sight and can be weapons mounted on NATO accessory rails or used with a handheld grip, making it ideal for field deployment.

Fixed and field deployable systems. Our multi-modal cUAS platform is available as a fixed-site or rapidly deployable defense system. Fixed-site systems provide 360-degree area defense and integrate additional radar, camera and jamming technologies. Designed for agile combat, the rapidly deployable system is self-contained and self-powered.

Cyber-hardened systems. In collaboration with Edgesource Corporation and the DoD, we enhanced a drone detection platform with cyber-hardened systems, disconnecting it from foreign servers and mitigating national security risks.

Integration & Customization

To design and engineer counter-drone technologies, we employ a systems engineering approach that emphasizes integration and customization to meet the demands of modern warfare. This approach ensures that powered systems are reliable, adaptable and fully integrated with mission objectives, enhancing security and operational efficiency.

Contact Our Technical Experts

Your counter-UAS challenges require precision engineering. Contact Our experts to discuss your counter-drone defense needs today.